Athletes Defined

Defined Beyond The Game

In today’s world, less than 1% of high school student athletes go on to become professional athletes – However, they will eventually become professionals in something. Athletes Defined focuses on bridging the gap between “student athlete” and “professional” by giving student athletes a platform to define who they are beyond the game of athletics.

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Who we are

Athletes Defined is a Non-Profit Organization created to help high school student-athletes transition from the athlete world to the professional world.  

What we do?

We help student-athletes define who they are by using their love of sport to host events in which they can network, advocate and develop useful professional skills.


We seek to provide high-school student athletes with the platform to network, advocate and empower; helping them turn their love and passion for athletics into an impactful and meaningful career.


Help student athletes


Students will receive opportunities to connect and collaborate with peers from different areas and additionally be given chances to work alongside professionals in the sports world.


Each competitive team will pre-select a charity in which they are playing for. Proceeds of the event will go to the winning team’s charity.


Provide student athletes with a platform in which they can showcase their character and their skills while collaborating with peers and professionals for a greater cause.

Behind The Scenes

Athletes Defined Founder and President, Devonte Amos

As a former high school and collegiate student athlete, being an “athlete” has been a title that has defined much of my life experiences. For me, being involved in athletics has brought me a great deal of success, development, and unforgettable memories that I can carry with me throughout my life. However, it took me until I retired from being an “athlete” to realize that I am so much more than just who I am on the field, court, track, pool, etc. While most athletes have aspirations of athletics being something they make a career out of, this is not the reality for many. This is where I saw a need for Athletes Defined. With Athletes Defined, I hope to give student athletes a platform where they can use their unique skill sets to help make a difference beyond the game.

Upcoming Events

Next Event: First Annual All-Star Dodgeball Event (Chicagoland Area)

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